The periodical section is located on the 4th floor. The Central Library maintains periodical collections of Arts, Education, Finance and Management and Social Sciences. Medical and Science periodical collections are available at the relevant branch libraries. The databases such as HEIN online, Oxford law reference and JSTOR (Archive) are available for access. The university consortium consisting Emerald (nearly 220 titles), Taylor and Francis (nearly 1600 titles) and Oxford publishers (200 journals) are available for access. Nearly 762 bound titles are available for reference. These bound journals are not available for a loan yet available for only photocopying.
Based on the recommendation and the annual allocation for books and journals, print and online journals are annually subscribed by the University of Colombo. The periodicals section of the central library kept open from 8.00 a.m to 4.00 p.m during weekdays.
Last Updated on July 21, 2023 by Main Library