Opening of the Digital Wall, Library
The official unveiling of the digital wall of the Library, the University of Colombo was declared on the 15th of March 2022. The digital wall was created and displayed with the assistance of the British Council of Sri Lanka which enables readers to access the digital collections of the British Council by scanning the QR codes corresponding to each thumbnail on the screen. Ms. Maarya Rehman, the Country Director of the British Council attended the event to officially hand over the digital wall to the library.
The digital wall contains QR codes of resources that empower students, teachers, and researchers to access a set of resources available at the British Council. Thumbnails include many essential resources not only for educational purposes but also for leisure reading, and for preparing undergraduates and junior staff for IELTS. The inaugural ceremony of the digital wall launching was graced by Professor Chandrika N Wijeyaratne, the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Colombo, as the Chief Guest. The Registrar of the University of Colombo and many other dignitaries from the university and the British Council were also present at the occasion.
The British Council has also agreed to negotiate the membership fee of the British Council to the undergraduates, postgraduates and staff in the University. There is a designated officer stationed in the Library to entertain the requests for fee negotiation.

Last Updated on July 19, 2023 by Main Library