Publishing with Oxford University Press: A Training Session for Prospective Authors
The Library of the University of Colombo hosted a workshop on “Publishing with Oxford University Press: A Training Session for Prospective Authors” on 10 February, 2020 at the Library Auditorium. The guest speaker was Ms. Sumita Sen/ Regional Customer Trainer of the Oxford University Press, South and Southeast Asia. Academics of the University of Colombo […]
Dr. (Mrs.) P. Wijetunge, the Librarian was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation
Dr. (Mrs.) P. Wijetunge, the Librarian was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation for serving as a judge of 2019 Emerald South Asia LIS Research Fund Award by Mr. Sundar Radhakrishnan, Vice President – South Asia, Emerald Group Publishing in India Pvt Ltd.
Emerald India Team Visit
Emerald India team had their kick off meeting in Colombo and as a related event the team visited the University of Colombo Main Library on 29th January 2020
Human Library 2019 (Session – 06)
Library Research Symposium 2019
Human Library – 2019 II
Awarded Certificate of Excellence
Dr. D.C. Kuruppu, Acting Librarian of the University of Colombo was awarded a Certificate of Excellence for the innovative project titled “An assessment of informational needs of breast cancer among patients and adults in general public and the effectiveness of a tailor-made information on package for patients in Sri Lanka“, at the National Symposium on […]