Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)

Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)

Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) will allow you to search for material available in the Main Library.  The Library uses the KOHA Library Management System to maintain the OPAC

Find a Book

How to reserve a book

Research Support Service

Research Support ServiceThe academic staff of the library is assisting the students of the University of Colombo on various research-related topics.

For more information: Click Here

User Education Programs

The Library conducts many programs for students such as information searching tools, database retrieval, basic IT skills, information organization, similarity checking, etc. Apart the library conducts special “Information and Skill Development” programs on request.

Contact the library for more information:

TP: 0112 586 432,


Library Helpline

The library initiated a helpline service during the pandemic season and this service is still active as students always seek for various help from the library.

This service consists of two options

  1. “Request Articles”- Students of the university can request the required articles from the library after providing the necessary details.
  1. “Other Help”- Allows students to ask for any help related to the library when they are unable to physically come to the library.

E-Resource Center

E-Resource CenterThe library is equipped with an E-Resource center that consists of 30 computers. This facility can be utilized by any library user and opens from 8.00a.m to 6.00p.m both Weekdays and Weekends.

Learning Commons

Learning CommonsLearning Commons

Learning Commons is the area where students can engage in small or large group discussions.  It can also be used to practice presentations.  If you need any equipment like multimedia projectors and a screen, please make a prior request to Mr. N. Karannagoda, Senior Assistant Librarian/Systems ( having his office on the 1st floor.

Inter Library Loan Service

Inter Library Loans allows to borrow and lend books from other libraries on mutual co-operation. Academics and research workers from other university libraries are given the ILL facilities on request. Inter-Library Loan code for Sri Lanka University Libraries accepted by the UGC/SCOLIS is followed for maintaining the uniformity of the process.

Apply Online

For more information:

Electronic Document Supply Service

Electronic Document Supply ServiceIf you are looking for any journal article or a book chapter which is not available in your library the library will help you to find the document.

More Details : Click Here


The Resource Centre for the Visually Impaired

The Resource Centre for the Visually Impaired The Resource Centre for the Visually Impaired was ceremonially opened on 23rd February 2018 at the Main Library premises. The Vice-Chancellor, University of Colombo, graced the occasions as the Chief Guest. This resource center is equipped with special instruments such as Braille Display, DAISY Digital Talking Book Player, Portable Digital Video Magnifier which can be used for the academic work of visually impaired users.

The Resource Centre for the Visually Impaired is located at the 1st Floor of the Main Library.

Conference Hall facilities

Conference Hall facilitiesConference Hall consists of 150 seats in air-conditioned environment with 20 personal computers, multimedia projector, recording and editing facilities and a public addressing system. When it is not being used as a seminar/training room, it serves as a lab, similar to the other e-resources centers in the library.

Contact Assistant Registrar at the library for more details.

TP: 0112158643


Wi-Fi Facility

Wi-Fi Facility

24x 7 Free wi-Fi to our library visitors.

Free wi-fi facility is available at the library building. You can explore the library online resources as well as other external resources using the wi-fi facility.

For WiFi Username and Password please contact:

Laptop Lending Service

Laptop Lending ServiceUniversity of Colombo Main Library is pleased to offer laptop computers equipped with wireless access to students for use in the Library only. These laptops are configured to provide you with the same functionality as the other networked Library computers, thus you may search the Internet, type your papers and print documents. The following policies govern the use of laptops, please read carefully:

Borrowing Procedures
  • Laptops can be checked out only by currently enrolled University of Colombo students by presenting a valid University ID card and by signing the laptop lending book at the E-Recourse Center. Library laptops are intended for university-related use.
Loan Period
  • Laptops are to be used in the Library only for a maximum of 4 consecutive hours at a time. All laptops should be returned to the E-Resource Center one hour before closing time to provide the Library staff time to check the condition of the equipment and to charge the batteries. Laptop check-out will stop Two hour before the Library closes.
  • Laptops are available on a first come, first served basis. Users cannot reserve a laptop.
Security/Use Guidelines
  • Laptops should not be left unattended.
  • Users must return the laptops to the E-Resource Center with hand-off to a staff member prior to leaving the Library; Laptops are not be left on any unattended counter and are considered the responsibility of the student until a staff member signs them returned.

Photocopying Service

The Photocopying service operated in the library is located at the right side of the entrance of the main library. Similar services are available in other faculty library premises as well. The service operates on concessionary basis and priority is given for the library materials.

Documents Scanning

Documents ScanningThe library users are provided with document scanning facilities on the 1st Floor of the library.


Cloak Room

Cloak RoomThe cloak room is located at the rear of the library close to gymnasium and student canteen. Readers are kindly requested to submit cloaks, coats, umbrellas, all printed materials other than library books, files, folders etc. to cloak room counter and obtain ticket to reclaim the possessions back. No articles of any value should be kept at the cloakroom. The library holds no responsibility for any losses.

Last Updated on March 3, 2025 by Main Library