Science Library Orientation Programme
On the first day of their academic journey, the first-year undergraduates (2022 intake) of the Faculty of Science embarked on their first visit to the science library as part of their orientation day activities on the 29th of May, 2023. The Acting Librarian of the University of Colombo, Mrs Sajeewanie Somaratna, Assistant Librarian of the Faculty of Science, Mr Madhushan Lankathilake and the staff of the Science Library warmly welcomed the students and introduced the science library resources and services. During the Library tour, undergraduates were introduced to state-of-the-art library spaces facilitated with modern equipment. The library staff provided demonstrations on navigating the library’s Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) and self-check-in/out machine, and showed both the printed and electronic collection for empowering the students to effectively utilize the available resources for their research and academic pursuits.

Last Updated on June 23, 2023 by Main Library