Introduction – LibQAC

Library Quality Assurance Cell (LibQAC) was established at the library to plan, guide, and maintain the Library’s Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Enhancement (QE) activities. The LibQAC is functional with Librarian as the Chairman and along with the main six Domain Coordinators. It was founded with the establishment of the University QAC and continues its works by supporting the achievement of the University QAC goals and objectives.

LibQAC comprises six main domains (Training and Development, Non-Academic Staff Development, Quality Assurance Work, User Services and Feedback, Academic Integrity and SDG Activities) to enhance the quality of the library service provided to the library users and stakeholders. The LibQAC office is physically located on the first floor of the Main Library building.


Sub-committees are as follows.

1.  Academic Integrity:

Coordinator Dr. T. Sritharan

Responsibility: Ensure the Quality of library services and Academic Integrity

  2. User Services & Feedback:

Coordinator Mrs. W.P.G.L. Perera

Responsibility: Report the student and staff feedback to the LibQAC

3. Training & Skill Development

Coordinator Dr.(Mrs.) C. J. Wijesundara

Responsibility: Staff and student training concerning quality improvement

4. Non-academic staff development:

Coordinator  Mrs. H. I. M. S. Adhikari 

Responsibility:  Non-academic Staff training concerning quality improvement

 5. Quality Assurance Works:

Coordinator Dr. N M Karannagoda

Responsibility: Report and compile all library quality improvements and strategic plan

 6. SDG Activities:

Coordinator Dr.(Mrs.) C. J. Wijesundara

Responsibility: All SDG related work carried out by the Library University of Colombo

Library Policies

1. Acquisition Policy of the Library, University of Colombo
2. Policy Document of Reader Services
3. Cost Recovery Policy for the lost library materials
4. Donation Policy

1. Smart Classrooms Protocol, Policies & Procedures

2. Weeding procedure of the Library

3. Institutional Repository – Policy Guideline


1. Library Quality Assurance Cell TOR
2. Library Research Committee TOR
3. Web and IT Committee TOR
4. Library Media Unit TOR
Dr. (Mrs.) Pradeepa Wijetunge



Dr. (Mrs.) Pradeepa Wijetunge

University of Colombo



Mrs. M.A.L. Silva

Senior Assistant Librarian (Research & Development)



Dr. N.M. Karannagoda

Senior Assistant Librarian (IT, Systems)


Last Updated on September 10, 2024 by Main Library